Thursday, June 18, 2009


I'm still finding my Top 10 article out there on other's been copied and recopied and pasted and taken...but it's still out there. The latest is on deviantART, where someone started a journal based on my least that's what I think happened. They were happy with the article and I'm happy that they found it.

Monday, June 15, 2009

More Fansites...

My AC article has been copied onto several other fan sites, and even though it's without my permission, I cannot be angry or even begin to think about trying to ask them to take it down, not this article. This article was written for the love of writing, and writing about Tokio Hotel. And to share that love.

But I've been reading the comments on those sites and I am so very touched and happy by what they've written...the majority written by teenagers...and I can't be bitchy after reading those.

Besides, it's a huge ego boost to read my article in different languages...Russian, Italian and Spanish so far, the Portuguese site won't open yet...and read the comments. It's funny as well...I wrote "smack on the forehead" like you'd do if you realized you'd made a mistake...and it gets translated as "kiss." Along with "stripped down" in reference to Monsoon...which becomes "undressed." Too funny.

But for the most part, everything comes across as I intended...except also for "arrogant guitar of Tom" in the Italian site. Not what I meant at all (I think it was powerful...I don't have the article open and surprise! I don't have it memorized) and I have no way of going back and getting them to understand. But it's the Italians that want to hug the Russians are very complimentary about the article, but don't want to hug so much.

And...and...and... my name is on the same page with pictures of Bill!!! Yeah, I know, I can do that myself, on my own blog or whatever, but to have it
happen randomly out there in the big universe of the internet makes it more special somehow.

And, as always, it makes me smile...inside and out. Really big smile. You'd think at this age, I'd be so over acting like a teenager :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Me and Them...On a Fan Site...Even Better

The Spain TH Groupies fan site copied my Associated Content article and added it to their site...with a link at the end. I'm happy to see it, and Bill at the top of the page, together... :)

I'm a tiny bit annoyed they copied the whole thing...they did provide a link at the end, but since I earn money from that article and they basically stole it, I'm losing money.

On the other hand, because it's TH and because I am getting increased views, I just sent them a thank you. I kinda wish they had just put the first page and then the link, so someone would have to go read the rest of the article on AC, but I'm thinking fan sites are not all that savvy when comes to content theft and such.

I don't want the article pulled from the site, and I don't want to get into a long email thing with someone where my lack of Spanish might confuse the issue.

But anyway, we're all on the same page the title to go to the Spain site.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Me and Them...On the Same Page

I get so excited when my articles get put on the same page as anything to do with Tokio Hotel...and the article on how to get one of their H&M t-shirts ended up on the same page of a site that has a Tokio Hotel page. So a picture of them is on the same page with an article of mine.

Regardless of how the ended up just makes me smile all over :)

Edit: So excited I am that I've edited this post 8 times and still don't have complete sentences or make any sense. Simply put, some bot crawled the eHow site, grabbed a link to my article and put it on their Tokio Hotel page of the site. Really simple, once I get over myself. :)

Edit 2: Like so many things on the internet, what was is no more. But for a day, at least, I shared web space with the guys. Still makes me smile all over :)

Monday, June 1, 2009


Listening to Nena from 1984 reminds me how exotic we all thought she was...all the boys wanted her..."German," after all, was foreign and therefore cool. Which she was, and is.

I like her music a lot; she has such a clear pure sound to her voice.