Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dreams, Premonitions, Random Thoughts...

Twice in the past week I've had a dream and then had something from that dream occur during my waking hours...and once during the day I had a distinct impression of an event which promptly happened (something mundane but interesting...I had the distinct sensation of eating a sugar cookie; I could smell and taste vanilla and butter, feel the grains of sugar on my lips and the crumble of the cookie in my mouth. I was sitting in a meeting where someone was eating Chinese for lunch, which smelled wonderful. Right after I tasted the cookie, she took a sugar cookie out of her pocket and unwrapped it and took a bite.)

I love when this used to happen more frequently, but sometimes it goes away, or I don't pay attention well enough. It's like getting a sneak peak into the future, if I know where to look. It's something I can't force either...the harder I try to make it happen, the less it will. I just need to be open and let those impressions happen.

Alex has a girlfriend that is about 40 minutes used to take an hour, but I've learned where on the Interstate I can drive over the speed limit and where the State Patrol usually is.

I love driving...I really someday would like to drive a very powerful, very fast car on a road where the speed limit is more than 75. It's 65 here; when we were in North Carolina and out in Montana there are places where it's 75. Nice...but a Toyota Corolla just isn't the same as say a power heavy Mercedes or some other luxury car made to go fast, but in comfort. I'm not thinking of a little zippy sports car, but something large and smooth and fast...powerful is the word. Power...with speed.

What else... ah, Alex is getting me Humanoid for my birthday, so I am heading over to Amazon to pre-order it so it appears on October birthday was yesterday, so it will be late, but Tokio Hotel apparently didn't realize my birthday was the 19th and therefore didn't know when to release Humanoid...yeah, that's it! Still, it's an excellent birthday present.

"Interview with a Vampire" is on...Tom Cruise is creepy, but excellent. Brad Pitt is...well...Brad Pitt, vampire with a conscious (except he kills the little poodles, but does feel bad).

But the decadence..the excess...the grandeur covering a layer of followed by a view of the underside of life. Not all as it seems...Also, beautiful young men wearing make-up, which I seeming have a fondness for.

I'd also like all the clothes from the movie. I really need a new wardrobe; I'm tired of wearing Alex's old Zoo York t-shirts. I'd love to start all over with new clothes; brocades and lace and velvet...corsets and skirts and shifts made of linen. I'm apparently going to win the lottery

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