Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lazy Girl....

Sometimes I get so lazy and unfocused and it drives me nuts. There is so much I want to do, to accomplish, but I get stuck doing mindless, stupid, time-wasting things.

Or, I have the ambition, but I'm in the wrong place (example: I'm at work, writing a blog post. Supposed to be "working" not writing in the blog. But then I dream about work. Ugh...)

Need a swift kick in the backside, or a long to-do list, or some poking and prodding from somewhere...self-motivation seems to be lacking these days.

But at least I have good music to listen to :) There's always that...a bright side to any day.

Oh, found the German version of Phamtomrider online...that will probably get an entire love-fest post of its own. Amazing...

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