Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nice Surprise...

I write online how-to articles at eHow.com...and decided to check out Associated Content, since their format isn't so much "how-to" as actual articles, and since I seem to be a bit wordy in my writings.

So, they have suggested topics and since I'm new, I thought I'd take a look. And what do I find but this... "Submit your take on the ten best songs by your favorite recording artist. Provide details on the significance and personal meaning of each song and why it's one of the ten best in the artist or band's catalogue."

Writer's and Tokio Hotel fan's heaven...I get to actually explain why I like their songs, what they mean to me and possibly get paid (it's a pay per 1000 view site, so it might not be much).

There is early TH stuff I haven't really listened to...I got all addicted to the most recent music, which I have on continuous play somewhere at all times on CDs, so I have a whole new reason to go back in time and really listen, look up translations, pay attention (more than just watch vids and drool on the keyboard) and fall in love all over again with all new music...well, new to me at least.

I'm soooo looking forward to the next 2 weeks...deadline for the article is May 1st.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lots of Emotion...

Because sometimes I love the sound of my own prose, I posted this on The Official Tokio Hotel Fanclub site...and there is just so much more I feel (heart sick is one feeling) that can't be put into words. Other than I'm way too invested in the lives of people I don't know.

Is that the definition of an obsessed fan? Would I be a stalker? I'm sure if I saw any member of Tokio Hotel on the street, my first instinct would be (after fainting) to ask for an autograph. And that's such an intrusive thing. I wouldn't ask a stranger on the street for that; why are TH any different? But the fan stalkers have gone too far. I'm not sure if it would be different in the US. I know we have stalker fans, but they are usually just one crazed, obsessed fan, not gangs of masked girls following them around. Scary...

I was stalked at one time, and in a fairly lame manner, but still...it is horrible to feel your freedom is impacted by someone's actions. And when it goes to the point of physical contact, it must be a terrible thing. I can't imagine....

From the fan site:

We need to support them as much as we can…the words we write, the pictures we use, the videos we make…and be true fans. We may be on the other side of the world, or in the same city as they are, but we are NOT all crazed, stalker fans. We may adore and love them in our own ways, but above all, we RESPECT them…respect their families, their privacy…their freedom.

Bill wears that on his arm, has it permanently tattooed into his skin…and stalker fans take that away. It makes me angry and sad…and makes me feel helpless.

There are more of us than there are stalkers…I hope TH and their families know that and can feel the positive energy we can generate. We’re intense, we’re loyal, but we’re not crazy.

Friday, April 17, 2009


I have had ... words...anxiety...fear of the unknown...for the past 2 days. Words I can't express and anxiety and fear that no one else would understand. This is the reason I hate the internet...and love the internet at the same time. There's too much information, and not enough contact.

I cannot comment on what happened, since 1) I wasn't there, 2) I've only read one side of the story, 3) I don't know these people and C) I'm reading news reports translated from German into that weird pseudo English that's not quite accurate and from Bild, which I think is not always accurate as much as a sensationalist paper.

All I know is I do have concern and and a desire to express that I sincerely hope everything gets explained, gets understood...works out. And basically, I get to say this to myself here, and the 2 other people that occasionally pop in and read.

And that's the world we live in...instant information; well, next morning at least, there is 7 hours' difference...and no way to connect to offer whatever it is we, I have to offer. Or even to know if what I have to offer would be accepted or even understood.

And sometimes that sucks.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tokio Hotel Goes So Well....

...with everything. Really...perfect music to garden by, listen to in the car, go to sleep to...listen to at work, write to. Anywhere. There is so much to hear in the songs, and if taken literally, there are actually lots of lessons to be learned and applied to life. Well, not all of them, but many.

And I am so waiting for some new music. I'm so curious to know what they sound like as they grow up and mature. And my CDs are wearing out from constant use :)

And there is no way I could ever get tired of listen to Bill's voice.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Tattoos are Magical...Bill Speaks

I've had my beautiful Japanese dragon tattoo since Friday...it itches now, which is normal, but is healing well. It took 2-1/2 hours...not as long as we originally thought, but still a chunk of time. My artist said if it were he, he'd have split it into two sessions, but then again, he said he's a wimp when it comes to pain.

And since then, all kinds of nice little things have been happening...just minor things...seeing someone I hadn't see in awhile in an unexpected place, my boss offering to buy me lunch...stuff like that. And my arthritis has magically stopped hurting...I'm taking that as the best thing at the moment.

And then a brief, seconds only message on Cherrytree Records (14 to be exact) of that lovely German accented English...I didn't expect it to be anything other than an update on the new album...and that's what it was...but I just love to hear him say "Tokio Hotel."

Here in the Midwest, we manage to say "Toe-Key-Yo" and drag it out....much nicer to hear it said by Bill.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tattoo to be Done Tomorrow...

By this time tomorrow, I will be inked...it's like waiting for Christmas, my birthday and a trip to the dentist all rolled into one. I was told to expect 4 hours...so I'm getting prepared for that. I'm just so damn excited. I didn't get a sketch because he's going to draw the design tomorrow, on me...and not do a stencil. I'm hoping to get a photo afterwards...since it's on my back, I'll never really "see" it...only a reflection on the mirror, which, of course, will be a reverse image.

Which is how we see ourselves most of the time...and why we sometimes don't like photos of ourselves...it's not how we "see" ourselves; it's not the familiar face in the mirror.