Monday, April 6, 2009

Tattoos are Magical...Bill Speaks

I've had my beautiful Japanese dragon tattoo since itches now, which is normal, but is healing well. It took 2-1/2 hours...not as long as we originally thought, but still a chunk of time. My artist said if it were he, he'd have split it into two sessions, but then again, he said he's a wimp when it comes to pain.

And since then, all kinds of nice little things have been happening...just minor things...seeing someone I hadn't see in awhile in an unexpected place, my boss offering to buy me lunch...stuff like that. And my arthritis has magically stopped hurting...I'm taking that as the best thing at the moment.

And then a brief, seconds only message on Cherrytree Records (14 to be exact) of that lovely German accented English...I didn't expect it to be anything other than an update on the new album...and that's what it was...but I just love to hear him say "Tokio Hotel."

Here in the Midwest, we manage to say "Toe-Key-Yo" and drag it out....much nicer to hear it said by Bill.

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