Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nice Surprise...

I write online how-to articles at eHow.com...and decided to check out Associated Content, since their format isn't so much "how-to" as actual articles, and since I seem to be a bit wordy in my writings.

So, they have suggested topics and since I'm new, I thought I'd take a look. And what do I find but this... "Submit your take on the ten best songs by your favorite recording artist. Provide details on the significance and personal meaning of each song and why it's one of the ten best in the artist or band's catalogue."

Writer's and Tokio Hotel fan's heaven...I get to actually explain why I like their songs, what they mean to me and possibly get paid (it's a pay per 1000 view site, so it might not be much).

There is early TH stuff I haven't really listened to...I got all addicted to the most recent music, which I have on continuous play somewhere at all times on CDs, so I have a whole new reason to go back in time and really listen, look up translations, pay attention (more than just watch vids and drool on the keyboard) and fall in love all over again with all new music...well, new to me at least.

I'm soooo looking forward to the next 2 weeks...deadline for the article is May 1st.

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