Monday, May 11, 2009

Seeking Employment...

The current temp gig is coming to an end...sadly, cuz I like this one. But they're not hiring; bad economy as usual.

So...Highly organized administrative assistant, detail oriented, dedicated, adaptable, flexible, available June 1st...if it were possible to work in a reference to Tokio Hotel in there I would. I don't speak German (I don't think phonetic pronunciations of Reden lyrics count). *sigh* Can still pull an all-nighter with enough Java Monster drinks...Mean Bean rocks, and Russian does the trick.

It's been a long day...I hate looking for work. I hate not having work more, since that equals not having pay. And for some reason, utility companies and telephone companies and internet connections all need money...

The only consolation of not working is having time to write...not always here, but on Associated Content or eHow...hard to write how-to's though about Tokio Hotel, but I've managed to slip in some references and pictures. "How to Get a Gravatar" with a lovely pic of Bill. to be a to sing phonetic German to Tokio Hotel to understand the meaning of Wir Sterben Niemals Aus. (I spelled that right without having to look it up!!)

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