Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Year, Rough Start

New years are always rough for's never a new fresh start, but a crashing end to the past year. It takes me the month of January to recover it seems.

This time it's been medical and financial...but as always, I come out of it. Sometimes worse for wear, but at least I'm still here.

Interestingly enough, with new meds for the migraines comes really interesting new dreams...seems all medications for migraines carry the side effects of vivid dreams. I have those anyway, but these seem more so. Who would have thought that combing out Bill's faux hawk would have been like combing out one of those Koosh balls from the '80's? Although it was black, not multi-colored orange.

Not sure th
e reason I was combing out Bill's hair in the first place, but I was apparently in charge of that, he was apparently content to sit on the floor (sitting still on the floor no less; it must have been a dream!!) in front of me as other people came in and out of this very ornate hotel room, and I tried very gently to comb out his hair. kept springing back up...and not like hair full of hairspray, but like the wiggly Koosh ball stuff!! Was totally panicky that I was going to get in trouble, but also secretly happy I wasn't making any headway (oh...sorry, bad pun) and that I had to sit there longer and longer and keep combing (actually, it was a brush, not a comb).

I do remember he was sitting on my feet, which had gone to sleep at some point, but be damned if I was going to say anything or move. LOL...I think IRL the dog was sleeping on my feet and they had gone numb (she weighs 80 lbs.)

So, the good side effect of new drugs...funny Tokio Hotel dreams. And there was actually no end to the just faded away. For all I know, I'm still sitting in a very ornate hotel room in Europe, on a very elegant striped silk sofa, Bill is still sitting on the floor in front of me, apparently still sitting still, I'm still brushing this head full of non-hair ... hair ... for all eternity :) Things could be worse.

But I think I'd miss not having any music from them after a while. Eventually I'd have to let him get up.

Which was actually a convo Alex and I had: where do characters in your dreams (or characters in stories that aren't finished yet; I have lots of those) go and do when you're awake? Do they go off and have lives of their own, or do they patiently wait for you to come back? Do dream Bill and I eventually grow tired of hair combing and step out for a drink and dinner? Do we ever wonder why his hair isn't real and do I ever recover the feeling in my feet? We may never know...

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