Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Georg!

Since Georg, wherever he is, is probably 6 hours ahead of where I am and it's 6:00 p.m. here, I'm safe in saying Happy Birthday and not being early, and on the remote chance he reads this, it would be his birthday.

So, Georg, wherever you are, have a wonderful day...I hope you get to spend it doing something fantastic, and with family and friends.

Best wishes for a wonderful year as well.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bill as Dragon....or Tokio Hotel as Tattoo

Not literally is Bill a dragon, nor will he be my tattoo... or Tokio Hotel either...

I've decided, finally, on my first tattoo design...although I knew it would be a dragon, but not a Japanese dragon, on my upper back. And it took some research to find out why I wanted this particular dragon.

I believe images and visions appear to us for a reason, and sometimes it's up to us to determine what they mean, if anything. I'd prefer my images to have meaning, and give me insight, rather than just be pretty images.

Dragons in some form have always been a part of my life for a long business was called Dragon Lily Designs...I'm Dragon Lily in any game I's just always been there.

So a logical choice for a tattoo, no? No...not really. I wanted to know some research lead me discover dragons in other cultures and Japanese dragons in particular. They are not always the evil, malevolent, fire breathing dragons of Western culture. They usually represent a guardian or protector.

Which was getting me in the right direction but I wanted to include some reference to TH, because they have had a pretty profound impact on my life, but not a full face portrait of Bill or the logo...I think that tattoos should allow one to age gracefully and age gracefully themselves. Besides, as much as Bill changes himself, a tattoo of him would be outdated by next year. I'd forever be going back to have hair added, removed, put in'd have to keep the tattoo artist on retainer. He'd be a very rich tattoo artist.

But I did read the following bit...

"The female dragon produces at every parturition (birth) nine young....The first young dragon sings, and likes all harmonious sounds, hence the tops of Japanese bells are cast in the form of this dragon..."

Interesting. No, it's not a description of Bill or Tokio Hotel, but there is now enough symbolism and meaning in what I want, to make it meaningful for me and make me happy.

I go in 1 hour and 28 minutes for my consultation to create a drawing. I'm hoping to get an email of it as well.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Okay...Back to English, not Hindi

For the two other people that may have read this blog and wondered where I've been...I've been nowhere, but my blog settings got changed (that would have been me changing them and not paying attention) so I was typing in Hindi for a time, and not being able to figure out what was going on.

No great loss...have not had much to say anyway. Had a fantastic post all ready in my head, after drinking some Eel River Raven's Eye Imperial Stout the other day, but as with most drunken morning they had all evaporated. I do know it was about "irrational fears," something I subject my kid to on a regular gravity will cease to exist for him and he'll either plummet off the bridge into the water, or fly into the sky and I'll never get him back. I think that's just the parent in me.

I do have irrational fears for Bill thought...not the rest of the band though. Not that I do not like the rest of the band as much...I really do. They just all"more" something...I want to say "sturdy" but that's not the right word...maybe it's "less" something, not more. Less likely to fall victim to something bad happening to them?

I think it's just me projecting my parental fears on someone else. I'm sure Bill is perfectly capable of taking care of himself; he has been for quite some time. I think it's partly from watching way too much YouTube, like all the other obsessed fans.

Although he is one of the few famous people I worry about. Angelina Jolie is another. Not sure why...she, and I guess he, seem vulnerable in a way that touches me. And I think she's perfectly capable of taking care of herself as well...but I still say a prayer for both of them, even though I'm an agnostic.

But a prayer is a prayer, wherever it goes or whoever says it...or whoever receives it.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm being stalked by Heidi Klum...

Suddenly everywhere I look, there is Heidi Klum, another German beauty. I know there is a new Victoria's Secret campaign for the perfect bra, but before the commercials started, I happened to catch an hour show about her, and I know there's a comment on one of the Caught on Camera videos where the guys go to Los Angeles and I think it's Bill that says they're going to see Heidi Klum. And at the store today, she's smiling out from the cover of a magazine. Such a beautiful smile...and then I watched The Devil Wears Prada...and she's in there too.

A long time ago, I remember Heidi was on some game show...I cannot remember the name, but they had models as the contestants, answering questions. I was watching at my parents' house, and my dad made the comment that she was spunky, plus she also knew more of the answers than anyone else...that he like her because she seemed to actually have a personality. Which she does.

I wanna know why Tokio Hotel went to see Heidi Klum...nosey, intrusive person I am... lol...and why suddenly everywhere I look I see her. Yeah...yeah... I know about marketing, but this is getting to be spooky.

Monday, March 9, 2009

It's just hair...and not even ours

Bill's possible/potential/unknown-if-real new look. Well...first off, it's his hair. His to cut, or color, or play with extensions, or braids, or whatever.

It's his and has been ever since he decided not to be like everyone else. Which he still is...not like everyone one else. And now he's not even like himself from last year. Which to me seems just like him.

Change is year, new songs, new hair, new make-up (which I personally really like...very haute couture).

There's a danger, I think, with having a persona that's bigger than life (which Bill does on stage), and getting locked into a defining hair or make-up style (which he certainly does, er, did; you could recognize a silhouette of him anywhere)...almost like a trademark...that becomes hard to maintain after a while without getting stale.

The lion mane is gorgeous, no doubt, and may be back in the future, but I'm not sure he's going to be rocking that hairstyle in his 40's. He might end up looking like a bad caricature of himself.

Evolution in music is important; evolution in personal style is as well for some. Maybe it's an outward reflection of what's going on inside. Or maybe hair to him is just hair. Something to play with, add accessories to, do stuff with. Same with make-up. It does come in more than just black.

As long as I see that big smile and a happy face, I'm happy, regardless of the hairstyle. The pictures from Miami had a little hint of not-so-happy in them.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Fairness - drei

And last but certainly not least...a day with Gustav. To be honest, I know the least about Gustav, mostly because he isn't as vocal as some of the members of the band. So....this would be an opportunity again to get to know what someone thinks about their experiences and what it's like to be a rock star at such a young age.

From someone who seems to have a wonderful sense of humor, just not as vocal as others, to find out what goes on for him at a show...what it's like to actually watch the show as well as be a part of it. He has a unique vantage most of us would probably die to have.

I do know he tends to spend his off time on tour "in a meadow," so I'm thinking...a hike in nature, some beer and good lunch.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fairness - zwei

Tom...there is only one thing I can think of to do with Tom in my fantasy get-to-spend-time-with-one-of-the-guys-day...go-carts.

I love to (I have the tickets to prove it). And I think it would be kick ass to compete. I've never driven a go-cart, but as long as someone shows me where the gas pedal is, I think all will be good.

Just the gas pedal...brakes are for wimps.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So if we're spending one fantasy night with Bill...I think we should also be able to spend quality fantasy time with the other guys....let's start with Georg, since it's his birthday month.

I think a day in a city he's familiar with, because here....well, there is absolutely nothing to see, and a tour of my town would take about 10 minutes, and besides, this is my fantasy...taking a long walk...having a nice lunch, and again...listening. I'm sensing a theme by any measure, getting to spend time with someone and hearing what they have to say, getting their impressions of where they've been, particularly someone who is young, intelligent, insightful, and having such exceptional experiences would be a dream come true...for me at least.

Georg is a devoted newspaper reader (I think it was the New York Times), took psych classes...I think, again, there's a whole lot to get to know.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Tokio Hotel Lobby Website... A Real Website, Not Just a Blog!

Apparently March will also be the birthday month for the Tokio Hotel Lobby website.

Finally...the thing I wanted to do first, which seemed to be the most important to the cornerstone...the blog was secondary. Getting back to playing music was important, but was again not my focus. But, as with most things in life, they don't go as planned.

I have a blog, which I actually love more than I thought...even though I think a total of 5 other people have read it besides me...I think it's helped me in more ways than I could have realized.

The violin is here...a new one. The old student one was beyond repair, so it will be hung on the wall because of its sentimental value. But a brand new, never been played instrument arrived this week. My fingers ache, both literally with pain, but also to play again. I fall asleep listening to Zimmer 483; the fingers on my
left hand twitch, and as I start to drift off, right arm will suddenly jerk in time with the music.

I need practice, but at least I have inspiring music to practice with.

If You Could Spend...

There was a post on Yahoo questions, which made me smile...(it's such a teenage girl question): if you could spend the night with Bill...and this struck me as funny...if he liked you well enough to hang out the next day with you, what would you wish to have happen.

I'm sure all the teenage girls who read that all had pretty much the same my wildest fantasies, I'm sure mine were the same :)... but there's fantasy and fun and impossibility and then there's more realistic stuff...slightly in the distant realm of

So for my night...I'd like to make dinner. I have the recipe for the meatball in sauce thing that the caterers made for the last Zimmer tour date....I have the real name, but I'm not finding it. I like to cook...I tend to want to nurture people. And then for the fun stuff...I'd like to....listen. I have questions, about 8 million, but I'd like to just ask and then listen to the answer...and let the conversation take it's own course.

I think there is a huge amount of buried treasure there...for as much as we "see" and "hear" Bill and Tokio Hotel online and in concert, I don't think we can ever really "know" them. I've talked before about all the fans that think they love TH...and we do love them, as fans...but there are always some that take that love seriously.

We love the bits we see, the bits we're given...and fill in the blanks with what we'd like to believe is real.

But back to the improbable...good food (yes, I'm an excellent cook) and good conversation. I think that would be perfect.

Happy Birthday Month to Georg....

I think everyone should get to celebrate their birthday month, week, and day...and since this is March, it's Georg's turn (and my son, who's birthday is the 25th).

So to Georg....Happy 22nd Birthday Month!

And I found this beautiful picture, done by =noei1984 at deviantART....there are beautiful portraits for all the guys there, so I think I'll use them for their birthday posts as well. Check out her stunning work at She's amazing.