Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bill as Dragon....or Tokio Hotel as Tattoo

Not literally is Bill a dragon, nor will he be my tattoo... or Tokio Hotel either...

I've decided, finally, on my first tattoo design...although I knew it would be a dragon, but not a Japanese dragon, on my upper back. And it took some research to find out why I wanted this particular dragon.

I believe images and visions appear to us for a reason, and sometimes it's up to us to determine what they mean, if anything. I'd prefer my images to have meaning, and give me insight, rather than just be pretty images.

Dragons in some form have always been a part of my life for a long business was called Dragon Lily Designs...I'm Dragon Lily in any game I's just always been there.

So a logical choice for a tattoo, no? No...not really. I wanted to know some research lead me discover dragons in other cultures and Japanese dragons in particular. They are not always the evil, malevolent, fire breathing dragons of Western culture. They usually represent a guardian or protector.

Which was getting me in the right direction but I wanted to include some reference to TH, because they have had a pretty profound impact on my life, but not a full face portrait of Bill or the logo...I think that tattoos should allow one to age gracefully and age gracefully themselves. Besides, as much as Bill changes himself, a tattoo of him would be outdated by next year. I'd forever be going back to have hair added, removed, put in'd have to keep the tattoo artist on retainer. He'd be a very rich tattoo artist.

But I did read the following bit...

"The female dragon produces at every parturition (birth) nine young....The first young dragon sings, and likes all harmonious sounds, hence the tops of Japanese bells are cast in the form of this dragon..."

Interesting. No, it's not a description of Bill or Tokio Hotel, but there is now enough symbolism and meaning in what I want, to make it meaningful for me and make me happy.

I go in 1 hour and 28 minutes for my consultation to create a drawing. I'm hoping to get an email of it as well.

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