Saturday, October 31, 2009

My First Complaint ...

I don't think I've ever complained about Tokio Hotel before...pretty much everything they do is okay by me...but...

I really wish the 2 CD set of Humanoid sold in the U.S. had liner notes with the German lyrics. I know enough German now (that's what happens when you get obsessed with a German band; had it been the Jonas Brot...wait, I don't even want to finish that thought) that when I read the lyrics I know more or less what they are saying. I still can't understand enough of the spoken/sung to understand ...

But, in listening obsessively to the German and then English versions, and trying to learn the German, I've come to realize I'm really hearing totally different songs in most cases (even with my poor understanding of spoken German...or sung in this case).

And I know that they don't do a word for exact word for each song, and that's fine. But for some of them (Hey Du/Hey You and Lass Uns Laufen/Behind My Wall) the meanings are totally different. Hey Du with "Kleiner Android" is a pretty dead giveaway since "android" is the same in English and German, at least the spelling, and the pronunciation is easy to figure out.

SO...I've written reviews of songs that will be totally different depending on the language the reader listens to...which bothers me. Not because I feel cheated, but because I feel I'm not doing my best work in writing reviews based on understanding only one version of the song.

I have so much to learn ...

Halloween Make-up

Nothing here about Tokio Hotel except their name :)

I colored my hair recently, from the boring brown to what the package called "Burgundy" and turns out to be a really deep dark red on me...makes me look 3 shades paler than my usual transparent skin...but the best is: I suddenly have green eyes.

My eye color changes from blue to grey to greenish...but the red hair makes them green all the time. And I discovered my vampire make-up from a few years ago...smokey greys for making shadows and contours on my face, but also which now looks killer with the green eyes and red hair.

I'll never be a beauty... never was...but it's fun to play dress up face and actually like the results. There is no working digital camera in this house, so you are all spared that when TH makes a US appearance and I go, at least I'll have eye make-up and hair that I like.

I also have a friend that's making me a corset, if I remember to send her the measurements, and I'm learning to make chainmaille, and am trying to think of how to make a chainmaille garment to wear...

Not really sure how comfortable a metal shirt would be to wear to a I say, I'm still working out the details on that. It may end up being lots of jewelry...lot of silver chains and bracelets and other lovely silver stuff.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Obsessed Much?

Contemplating a major move of possessions, cat and offspring, and my first thought was "I wonder if there is anyone there that likes Tokio Hotel?" Promptly followed by "I can't move till after tour dates for 2010 are announced."

I now plan major changes in my life around four guys from Germany and where they're going to be touring next year...I crack myself up sometimes.

Hi to Elsa who stopped in to read and leave a comment... (waving at her over there in Portugal...) :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

100% Tokio Hotel

Check out the 100% Tokio Hotel on Tokio Hotel America fan club. They've got English sub-titles, which makes understanding the whole thing much easier, although I did actually understand some of what was said, if it was said slowly...i.e., anything not spoken by Bill und Tom, who speak way too fast for me to catch anything but the und, um, ja's...and I definitely want to catch everything they say.

Go here and check out 48 minutes of superb video of their early life, interesting interviews with all the band members (learn what they were called before they were called Devilish, and why the chose Devilish in the first place) and as always, fantastic video of all the band, from when they were young up till, I believe, footage from earlier this month.

And for Bill, who may pop in some day to read never know...when love finds you, you will find a way to have that love, regardless of what you think now, or what your life is like now, or how impossible you think it is.

You can only see your life as it is, without love, and cannot see it with love, because that doesn't exist right now. But that doesn't mean it won't happen.

It's kind of like imagining yourself as a bat: you can only imagine what you would be like being a bat; you cannot know what it is like to actually be a bat, to have sonar, to have a furry little face, wings, and live in a cave.

You cannot imagine right now what it's like being in love, only because you are not.

Open up the space in your heart and mind for the possibility it will exist, and something will come to fill that space: the love you seek will find you, if you give it the room.

But I have all the confidence in the world that it will happen, it will be wonderful and it will work.

Okay. Advice to the lovelorn over for the day :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My review of Humanoid

Finally it's published on Associated Content. What better reason to listen to Tokio Hotel for days and days...I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tokio Hotel - Tom's Blog - The 2009 MTV Europe Music Awards

Hey, from the Tokio Hotel site, and Tom's blog...Rock the Vote for Tokio Hotel

Tokio Hotel - Tom's Blog - The 2009 MTV Europe Music Awards

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Monday, October 12, 2009

All is right in my world...Bill is smiling and has a Mohawk

Found this photo online, and there is nothing that makes me happier than seeing that big smile on Bill's face when he's performing. I miss that so much...I want to see that in person...and I will. But for now, seeing him with that big smile is making everything all right in my world. It lights up his eyes, his entire face. Lovely....

And, the hair is fantastic. I prefer him with BIG hair...whatever he does with it is really his choice...but I love the big spiky hair, whether it's the lion's mane or a Mohawk. It's all his (I think) and all wonderful.

The photo is from Tokio Hotel Rocks...check out more here
. There are lots of photos: some pics with the hair style of the past year, some pics of Tom, and lots from the latest concert in Greece.


I cannot say enough about this CD...I fall in love all over again listening to this. It has literally been playing somewhere since Tuesday: in the car, in the CD player at work, in my room on repeat at night, on the boy's x-box downstairs. I wake up singing (I wake myself up singing) ... lol.

I did this with both Scream and Zimmer so I'm not surprised I'm drowning myself in their music, but this music is different...I can't say better...but definitely more grown up (not too much) more sophisticated, more THEM. More who they are becoming.

I was (secretly) afraid of something I would not like...which did NOT happen. I listened the first time with breath held, letting it out with each song little by little, relaxing into what turned out to be pure joy. And it hasn't let up yet. I'm still in bliss.

I did finish the review of Humanoid for Associated Content and am waiting for it to be reviewed. Not sure how long it takes for them to do that, but would like it to be sooner than later. I like seeing my name in print alongside Tokio Hotel. Even if it's just me and three other people that read's still me and them on the same page ;)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hey, check out this fantastic blog...

She does wonderful drawings of Tokio Hotel...and other people too! (there are other people in the world, Carol...)

My Sketchpad

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's here...It's here!!!!

That would be the fantastic new CD. Get thee to a Best Buy and get the two CD English bonus track CD along with the German version, for less than $15.00. How wonderful is that!!!

It's playing in German upstairs and English downstairs. And as usual, I prefer the German, even though there are more songs on the English CD.

Alex and I had to go for an hour car ride so we could listen (not sure why we couldn't have just listened in the house, but it was fun riding in the car). Not sure if I've said fantastic yet or not, but it is...fantastic.

I went after work to get my copy; drove through 2 red lights and went over the speed limit the whole way (well, I always go over the speed limit) and practically tore the plastic off the case with my teeth on the way to the car. Apologized to Bill for taking out the Zimmer 483 CD that's been playing non-stop in the car for months (I always apologize to them for taking them out of the player) and popped in Humanoid and was in Tokio Hotel heaven.

I think I'll play the German version to fall asleep to...sounds like a good idea. My mom (oldest fan I think) wants the English version only. I have yet to get her to listen to German other than the version of Monsoon that's on Scream.