Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Obsessed Much?

Contemplating a major move of possessions, cat and offspring, and my first thought was "I wonder if there is anyone there that likes Tokio Hotel?" Promptly followed by "I can't move till after tour dates for 2010 are announced."

I now plan major changes in my life around four guys from Germany and where they're going to be touring next year...I crack myself up sometimes.

Hi to Elsa who stopped in to read and leave a comment... (waving at her over there in Portugal...) :)


  1. Waving back, Carol!

    I used your review on my journal, I put a link to this blog and to the AC article.
    Thank you so much!

    The boys are coming here on the 7th April, the fans are crazy excited! ( :O can this be written like that?)
    Anyway, their tour is going to be amazing, and I believe there will be some surprises ;)


  2. Thank you!!!

    Are you going to see them?? I'd be crazy excited too...I'm so hoping they come to the States.

