Monday, October 12, 2009


I cannot say enough about this CD...I fall in love all over again listening to this. It has literally been playing somewhere since Tuesday: in the car, in the CD player at work, in my room on repeat at night, on the boy's x-box downstairs. I wake up singing (I wake myself up singing) ... lol.

I did this with both Scream and Zimmer so I'm not surprised I'm drowning myself in their music, but this music is different...I can't say better...but definitely more grown up (not too much) more sophisticated, more THEM. More who they are becoming.

I was (secretly) afraid of something I would not like...which did NOT happen. I listened the first time with breath held, letting it out with each song little by little, relaxing into what turned out to be pure joy. And it hasn't let up yet. I'm still in bliss.

I did finish the review of Humanoid for Associated Content and am waiting for it to be reviewed. Not sure how long it takes for them to do that, but would like it to be sooner than later. I like seeing my name in print alongside Tokio Hotel. Even if it's just me and three other people that read's still me and them on the same page ;)

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